A Truth Spell.
Sometimes, you need something significant to be revealed to you. Your intuition whispers to you that there is something essential to know or understand. This spell has been crafted to help encourage those hidden truths to come to light for you over time, guiding you gently as you navigate the unfolding of this knowledge.
A Power Spell.
A power spell channels inner strength and amplifies personal energy using symbolic items like crystals, candles, or herbs. It enhances confidence, influences decisions, or manifests outcomes. Practitioners ground themselves, set intentions, and invoke protective energies. Visualization is key to imagining aspirations. The ritual ends by releasing energy into the universe, trusting it will bring transformation.
How to Make a Love Jar.
So you want to make love, and communication & more a little bit stronger with your partner? Or you’d like your crush to focus on you a little more? There's a jar for that…
Detachment Spell aka Cord Cutting.
Why you use it: To break a connection with an energy (usually a person) that no longer serves you or brings value to your life.
Witches Altar 101.
I started my spell work again after years of being dormant. I started again because while cleaning out my mothers apartment when she died I found hexes she left for other people.
The Lion’s Gate Portal.
I leave it to others whether or not they believed in yesterday's biggest manifestation day of the year. It really all depends on what you've studied and what you believe. So I’ll never judge — but yesterday was special.
Affection Spell.
This spell binds two people together with the intent being an affection towards each other. A more in-depth love spell would require the second persons permission. This one is as I like to put it, to simply get noticed first.
Communication Spell.
Unfortunately for me, the person I attempted to spell with didn't speak to me. People who are avoidant are so hard to reach because they need healing of their own and it blocks your work in many ways.
In fact, I needed a cord-cutting ceremony a week later to try and help me grow out of my Infatuation.
The Carnelian Crystal.
101: Carnelian helps boost self-esteem, creativity, motivation, love, passion, and courage within a person who feels they need just an extra bit of pep in their step. It is thought to give the wearer a sense of life and vibrancy.