International Women’s Day.

On this International Women’s Day…🖤

I want to tell anyone who identifies as a woman that it is ok to remind folks every single day that there is power within you. Remind people of your confidence. Remind people of who you are and why you're this way. It's ok to be the energy that lights up a room. It's ok to exist and be!

🖤 | No one gets to tell you how to live or behave. No one. Especially not men out there. We are restricted because we are powerful. Never forget it. We are feared because of what we can do. Never forget that either. That's why they try so hard to bottle us in & deem us too bossy or call us names. They take our rights away and wonder why we grow indifferent and angry. They wonder why we stay single longer, wait to have children, and get married, and would rather be alone. Let them wonder. They are owed nothing. In fact, no one is owed anything about you except those you wish to know. Period.

We are feared when in our highest power. Never forget that.

Celebrate not just today but every day. Celebrate your spirit. Celebrate the things that make you feel whole. Be the one that spins heads and is disruptive. Life is more fun that way.

Love you all. 🖤

Ally xox


For Mom.


Travel: New Orleans